Jo Kukathas staged the product of her research work funded by Democracy Discourse Series, “And then Came Spring, with her theater company Instant Cafe, with the collaboration of Parastoo Theater.
During her fellowship with the DDS, Kukathas explores issues of migrant outsiders in Malaysia, divided by racial and ethnic lines. “And then came Spring” came out of this endeavour. In describing the play, Jo Kukathas says that “”All theatre is personal. As artists we make work that means something to us and hope it means something to you too. But And Then Came Spring is not just personal. It’s been a journey for all of us during some very dark and difficult years. It is a journey echoed by the main character of Nazanin who goes from child bride to woman, but who finds the strength to make her own journey into the light.”
Learn more about the play here:…/and-then-came-spring/ Watch Instant Cafe’s video of the play’s rehearsal: